
Oakden Wedding Photo at Meophams Bank 1899WEB

Oakden Wedding, 1899

Ralph and Rosa were married at Hollington, St Leonards on 6th September 1899.

This photo was taken at Meophams Bank, Kent, the home of Philip Eagles, father of the bride, Rosa Mary - he is standing just behind her. Behind Ralph Oakden is his father, Roger, a well-loved vicar.

Very shortly afterwards the newly weds set sail for India where they spent much of their lives and brought up their three daughters, Elaine, Dorothy and Gladys.








Below is their first family album, 1899-1907.


Ralph Oakden - His Career 

Sir Ralph Oakden (1871-1953)

Roger Oakden (1846-1915)

The Oakdens - An Overview


Ralph Oakden 1914cleanWEB Rosa Oakden 1914 WEB